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Fix Google Ads Disapproved Destination Mismatch Issue Due To Redirect URL Using CM360

How to resolve Google Ads URL issues - MISMATCHED DESTINATION URL

By Abhinav Tiwari
May 22, 2024 | 5 Minutes | |

Affiliate companies rely heavily on traffic and the goals they set with advertisers. Monitoring the number of clicks on ads is very important for them. Based on these clicks, affiliate companies drive insights and provide strategies and determine success or failure of campaigns and take corrective actions to grow their business.

Why do affiliate companies need the pixels
Affiliates need insights into users who click on ads but don't visit the website, and vice versa. This information allows them to optimize campaigns and improve performance effectively.

Identifying the Problem:

In todays world, where marketers prioritize lightweight, mobile-friendly pages, convincing clients to place tracking pixels on their websites is big challenge. Unlike Google Ads, DV, and Facebook ads, affiliates struggle with pixel placement. This challenge hampers their business growth as affiliates can't measure success or failure due to the lack of tracking valid traffic.

Why Marketers Don't Assist with Pixel Placement:

Marketers often hesitate to help affiliates with pixel placement due to concerns about junk or bot traffic. This perception result in de valuation of affiliate requests for pixel placement. They belief that muiltiple pixels will increase the load time of the page hence will negatively impact the user experience. 

Generic Solutions in the Market:
Many affiliates focus on implementing a redirection between campaigns and advertisers landing pages to track clicks. However, this approach is not the ideal approach as Google disapproves ads with redirections due to destination mismatches issue. This sometimes also leading to entire account blocking.

The Ideal Solution:
Using CM360 for creating third-party tracking URLs offers a right solution. Affiliates can utilize CM360 tracking urls and generate tracking ads with click tracking URLs. You can also pass custom parameters to it through the 'URL Suffix' or custom variables. This allow affiliates to track essential metrics accurately.


By utilizing CM360, affiliates have the capability to monitor campaign clicks and provide advertisers with valuable insights into campaign performance. With the implementation of custom parameters in CM360 trackers, affiliates can make informed decisions promptly to enhance campaign performance. Consequently affiliates can experience growth, contribute to the profitability of both their own business and advertisers and mitigate the risk of frequent Google Ads disapprovals or account suspensions.. 


Abhinav Tiwari

Sr. Director - Media
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