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Google Analytics 360 Premium Reseller Partners

Google Analytics 360 - Premium Reseller Partners (GA4 360)

By Sumit Bhardwaj
Feb 01, 2022 | 5 Minutes | |

The Google Analytics Certified Partner program is a certification granted by Google to companies and agencies that demonstrate expertise and proficiency in Google Analytics. Google Analytics Premium Reseller Partners are recognized for their deep understanding, knowledge and vast experience in implementing and managing analytics requirements. There is a set of criteria established by Google to become a Google Analytics Certified Partner, which includes client case studies, advanced work, and an interview with the Google team. Google provides required training and updates regarding new features and the product roadmap.

Google Analytics certified partners help customers by understanding their requirements, implementing solutions, and driving results from actionable insights. Google Analytics premium analytics partners have the capability to implement Google Analytics across various platforms and integrate it with other tools and systems, ensuring seamless data collection and analysis. They also offer product training sessions and consultations to help businesses understand and utilize Google Analytics effectively. Working with Google Analytics premium resellers or certified partners ensures trust and adherence to Google's high standards and best practices.

Benefits of Working with a Google Analytics 360 Premium Reseller Partner


  • GA4 360 License: You can request your reseller partner to activate your 360 license. You can also reach out to the Google team to get the names of various reseller partners available in your region.
  • Expert Guidance: They provide you with professionals who have a deep understanding of Google Analytics 4.
  • Customized Solutions: Reseller partners help provide customized analytics solutions according to your business needs. They understand your requirements and implement solutions using industry best practices to maximize benefits.
  • Enhanced Data Accuracy: Data accuracy is very important, and these certified reseller partners ensure that the data you collect is accurate and reliable for your company.
  • Actionable Insights: GA4 360 partners offer detailed insights and recommendations to improve your marketing and business strategies.
  • Comprehensive Support: They provide ongoing support and training to help you get the most out of Google Analytics, especially when facing bugs or product issues.


Capabilities as Google Analytics 360 Reseller Partner

  • Implementation: we set up Google Analytics on various platforms web, app, kiosk, TVs etc and integrate it with other tools, ensuring smooth data collection and analysis.
  • Advanced Insights: They can provide you with dashboards and insights based on best industry practices, enabling you to grow in the right direction
  • Training and Consultation: they offer product training sessions and consultations to help businesses understand and use Google Analytics effectively.
  • Analytics Audit and Maturity Assessment: Partners also help businesses understand their GA4 360 adoption rate and provide the maturity level so that you can improve it gradually and make full use of the premium tool.

General Implementation process followed by The Google Analytics Reseller Partners includes the following steps

Define Objectives and KPIs, Create a Google Analytics Account, Implement Tracking Code, Configure Tracking, Set Up conversions and funnels, Enable Enhanced Measurement, Link Google Products, Configure Data Retention and User Permissions, Test and Validate Implementation, Monitor and Optimize, Training and Documentation



Sumit Bhardwaj

Senior Analytics Consultant
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